我的 Fab Academy 學習歷程

大家好,歡迎來到我的 Fab Academy 學習歷程專題分享!

Fab Academy 是一個全球性的數位製造課程,透過不同的工具和技術,包括 3D 列印、雷射切割、電子電路、軟件編程等等,讓學員可以從設計到製造任何物品(幾乎)。

在這裡,我將向大家介紹我所學到的知識和技能,以及我在學習過程中的感受和體驗。希望可以讓更多人瞭解 Fab Academy,並啟發更多人探索數位製造的世界!

*請大家持續留意 https://jasonworkshop.com/fab 的更新喔!

Hello everyone, welcome to my Fab Academy learning journey presentation!

Fab Academy is a global digital manufacturing course that teaches various tools and techniques, including 3D printing, laser cutting, electronics, programming, and more. With these skills, participants can design and create almost anything they want.

In this presentation, I will share the knowledge and skills I have learned, as well as my thoughts and experiences throughout the learning process. My goal is to raise awareness of Fab Academy and inspire others to explore the world of digital manufacturing!

Please stay tuned for updates on https://jasonworkshop.com/fab